If you knew your life was going to end tomorrow could you say you lived life to the fullest today? My answer would probably be no. But why is that?
It seems illogical to not live each day fully because there is never a guarantee of tomorrow. What is it that holds us back from really living each day as though it were our last? I think its comfort, busyness, and fear. One, it’s easy to become comfortable with how things are and assume they will always be that way. Two, it’s easy to hide behind busyness and push important things like relationships into the background until we think we have more time to invest in them. Three, and I really believe this is the main reason, we are afraid to live life to the fullest for fear of losing it.
So how do you break free from this? “Live like we’re dying” because we really are. This is a concrete truth.
Tonight’s lesson is to take a moment, sit down, and answer this question for yourself. “Am I really living my life to the fullest? If not, what's holding me back? What can I do to change this?” Now go do it.
Here’s a music video that highlights this lesson.
Very true and inspiring