Thursday, July 22, 2010

Extraordinary Peace

“You can keep the darkness.” That’s what I say nowadays when I run into gremlins.

Gremlins come in all sorts of packages. Some are disguised in human flesh while others run around calling themselves belief and circumstance. They all share a common goal; to discourage you from living your life to the fullest. They do this by pulling you out of the moment and into their distorted, negative, and dark reality.

So how do you stop the gremlins? By beating them at their own game. Gremlins can only trouble you if they pull you into their reality. The trick is to pull them into yours.

You know when a gremlin is at work because you feel a sense of heaviness in your stomach, almost like nausea. If you continue to listen to and/or believe the gremlin, the heaviness is replaced by anxiety. Anxiety turns to worry, discouragement, frustration, fear, and/or anger. These feelings have a way of influencing your behavior, and at this point the gremlin has pulled you into its reality and you become the gremlin.

So how do you avoid this?

When a gremlin tells you what it thinks or believes, tell it what you think and believe. When a gremlin tells you something is impossible, you tell it everything is possible and you just need to put in the effort to identify a starting solution. When a gremlin plays the role of the victim, you tell it you feel its pain but you’re focusing on victory. When a gremlin treats you poorly, you treat it with kindness. Do this and you will beat the gremlin at its own game. Eventually the gremlin won’t want to play with you any more, and that’s fine, because who wants to play with gremlins anyway?

The lesson? Your reality is always a place of extraordinary peace if you believe and say it to be.

See if you can tell who the gremlin is in this video.

1 comment:

  1. Gizmo = Friend and Gremlin = Enemy
    Differentiating the two is's that simple!
