Monday, August 16, 2010

No Easy Way Out

Last Thursday I got “back in the saddle” and this morning the wild stallion called my life bucked me off and sent me flying through the air. Metaphorically speaking, I came down crashing and knocked out a few teeth. I think I may have broken some bones as well. But you know what. I don’t care. I will get on the saddle again and ride my life until it breaks or it kills me, whichever comes first.

I don’t care if I life is not fair. I don’t care if I don’t have enough money. I don’t care if I ever get an external breakthrough. Why? Because none of these things can actually bring me true happiness. I keep telling myself happiness is a choice, and now life is helping me to internalize this truth.

Lately, I wake up with what feels like a heavy vest strapped to my body. I know what this is now. It’s all the negative thinking in my head that does not want to surrender peacefully. It won’t leave without a fight and it's a coward because it attacks me at my weakest moments. I won’t let it win though. It can crush me with the weight of its negativity, but I’m still breathing. And as long as I’m still breathing I can always choose my destiny.

These words are easy to write, but the reality of changing your life for the better can be grueling. Sometimes the only thing you can do is run. Run to your life that is and not from it.

Tonight’s lesson is to hang in there and believe in a day when you will truly know what it means to live life to the fullest. Inch by inch and life’s a cinch. Find the fire inside of you and allow it consume all doubt, worry, anxiety, and fear. It will hurt and burn, but that’s what tears are for. Let them flow if you must.

When life punches you in the face, sometimes all you can do is turn to Rocky for some inspiration to punch back.. “There is no easy way out… there’s no shortcut home…”

1 comment:

  1. These moments are never easy...but they are moments. There is no doubt you will prevail.
