Last night I finished watching What the Bleep. Inspired by the film’s message I went to bed feeling today I would wake up a new person.
Well things didn’t exactly go as planned. My intent was to wake up at 6:30 a.m. and begin my running training. After hitting the snooze button 10 times I finally rolled out of bed at 7:30 a.m. when my daughter came into the room. The thought of going to the basement and running was too much. I'll start tomorrow - hopefully.
I went to work with a changed perspective. I believed I had the power to control my thoughts and in-turn my feelings and behavior. That lasted for a few hours.
By the end of the day I had managed to let go of a few troublesome thoughts and an anxiety spike I had earlier in the day was still taking its toll on me. My back muscles are spasing once again which sounds like a great excuse to defer my running training. That and the fact I do not have proper running shoes. I have been warned that I will develop all kinds of leg problems if I don’t get the right shoes. That could actually work to my advantage now that I think about it.
What will tomorrow bring? Will I awaken with a renewed spirit – one ready to run like the wind? Probably not but nothing worth doing is ever easy. This is what I tell myself to keep going. It’s cliché but true – I think. That’s the lesson of the day.
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