I must be in a daze because I can’t remember a thing about today. I do remember running in the rain yesterday which was a good thing. My brand new running shoes had me looking like a poseur and now they have some character. Funny how a little mud will do that.
Do you think this applies to life? Does trying to keep and maintain a pristine life make you look like a poseur (someone who is pretending to be something they are not)? Would a little mud in your life add character? I think so.
Kid’s love mud and sometimes mistake poo-poo for it. Tonight bedtime was a circus and I was clown. My daughter poo-pooed her diaper and thought it would be great fun to get it on her hands and paint the wall. Disgusting, I know, but this is parenthood. It’s also a little mud in my life. I could have let it rattle me or I could have let my wife handle it. I choose the latter (but I helped too).
So after I put my daughter’s clothes in the washer and finish touching-up the wall, I’m going to run with mud on my mind. What’s the logic in all of this? Let me connect the dots.
To truly enjoy life you have to allow a little mud in at times. Control is an illusion. Long days, dirty shoes, and poo-poo on the wall are all part of the package called life. They add character to your existence. Next time life slings some mud at you, just roll with it. Not the poo-poo stuff though, this stinks anyway you slice it – pun intended.
Look at how much fun these folks are having with mud. Doesn't it make you want to go outside and jump in a muddy puddle like you did when you were a kid? Try it. Your neighbors will love you for it.
Funny how a 'mudfest' has been on my radar for the past month :)