My mind is starting to try and play tricks on me. Why? I think it wants me to fail on Sunday. Why? Because when I complete the Army 10-Miler I will have proven it a liar.
It’s telling me my knee hurts. That I’m not used to running in the cold. That I haven’t fully recovered from a chest cold. On and on it goes. But I’m not listening. Live or die I will run on Sunday.
This leads me to another conversation going on in my head. One between my old self and my new self. My new self feels it is on the threshold of a different existence. One where anything is possible. It does not believe in self imposed boundaries. It only believes in possibilities and perseverance to make them happen.
Life is a bit surreal right now. But I like it.
Tonight’s lesson is to seek and live those defining moments in your life. You know. The moments that let you know who you really are and what you were created for.
Here’s a song to inspire that moment.
very true....