Monday, December 13, 2010

Running for Peace

Peace is not a by-product of your circumstances and external life. It is a direct reflection of your interior life.

Thoughts and feelings lie at the core of your interior life. You can argue which comes first, but I’ve found that thoughts trigger feelings. So if you want peace, a good starting point is to examine and modify your thoughts.

That’s actually why I blog. Writing my thoughts out helps me understand what’s going on inside my mind. Over time I can see patterns in my thinking and behavior. In turn, I can take action to modify my thoughts, behavior, and life. My thinking about things is what causes me stress or not.

There are many methods out there to modify thinking habits but the simplest is writing things out. This helps you step outside of your thinking and see if it adds value to your life or not. A lot of stressful thinking is the result of worrying about the past or future. The brain can’t tell the difference between real and perceived threat and will react to both by stressing you out – literally. This is an age-old physiological response known as “fight or flight”.

Ways to diffuse stress caused by poor thinking include training the body and spirit. For me, coming into complete balance means having my mind, body, spirit, and emotions working together in a positive manner. In my life it’s been difficult to focus on all four areas at the same time, but when I do, I have known a great sense of peace.

This is tonight’s lesson. Take action to bring your mind, body, spirit, and emotions into balance. The end result is a peaceful existence. Running is a good start.

Let the 5th Dimension inspire you to "Let the Sunshine In" and bring balance to your life.

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